37 Day FAST
Thank you for joining our Fasting Resource page.
The concept of tithing can be traced back to the book of Genesis. Cane gave a portion of his crops and Abel gave the best portions of his first born lambs. A precedent was set that we should give our first and best. Later in Genesis, Abram gives 10 percent of the recovered goods to Melchizedek. This is the first mention of “returning the tithe” or giving the first 10 percent back to God.
This year we faithfully look at the next 366 days of what God gives to us, and portion the first 10 percent (37 days), in fasting, back to God. This will be a fast of our lunch time and meal. Starting on January 1 we will open The Worship Center at Lifeway Fellowship Church between 11am and 1pm (excluding the weekends) to come together, abstaining from our lunch meal to pray and worship our Father in Heaven.
If you are unable to participate for medical or other reasons, we ask that you prayerfully consider what you might be able to fast and follow the Holy Spirit’s direction for you.
Should you wish to still follow a “Daniel Fast,” remember fasting is not starvation. Daniel removed meat from his diet. If you decide to fast meat, take the tools that we provide to you to help you grow closer to God and aid you in the process. We have a daily message for you as well as worship music, prayer, biblical readings, and other resources, such as recipes, fasting websites, and a guide to foods to eat and avoid, all in one location. They are all available below during your focus and meditation time.